Learning: Javanese Students, Non-Javanese Students


Learning is an important activity that must be done by students. If you want to know a course material or information, of course, students must look for it. One of the ways to look for something is by learning. Students at Kanjuruhan University come from various regions in Indonesia. The researcher divided the students into two large groups, namely students from Java and Non-Java. Both have unique and different ways to absorb information. Their learning methods are affected by the background of their respective regions. Each lecturer should know the background of each student, especially about the origin of the region. The results of this study indicate that lecturers are better of using a descriptive approach when explaining material to Javanese students. Meanwhile, when lecturers explain the material to students non-Java it is better to use a prescriptive approach. In this way the lecturer will find it easier to explain the lecture material that will be delivered. In addition, students will also have no difficulty in absorbing lecture material delivered.


Keywords: Prescriptive, Descriptive, Javanese Students, Non-Javanese students

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