A Phonetic-Accuracy-Based Learning Model of Kalam to Improve Students’ Arabic Speaking Skill


This research aims to develop a learning model of Arabic speaking based on phonetic accuracy. The specific objectives of the study are (1) to develop instructional materials of Arabic speaking based on phonetic accuracy, and (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the product to improve the quality of Arabic speking. The research was conducted in two steps; they are: developmental research which focuses on the development of instructional materials of Arabic speaking based on phonetic accuracy, and evaluation research on the use of the materials which have been prepared for further revision and dissemination. The results of this research are (1) the completion of Arabic speaking textbook based on phonetic accuracy that comes with the instructions for use for teachers and students, and (2) the results of the tryout showed that this textbook has a good value of efficiency, effectiveness and attractiveness in terms of its general description, presentation of the material, and types of exercises, and is thus worthy tobe used in Arabic speaking course.


Keywords: Arabic teaching, kalam, instructional material, phonetic accuracy

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