Repositioning Javanese Traditional Local Culture “Siraman”: The Philosophy and Trends


Siraman is a Javanese traditional culture that is held for a bride or bridegroom at a day before ijab qobul. This study uses qualitative research method to gain information from respondents. The researchers collect information from 32 people who experienced Javanese siraman whether as bride/bridegroom or as parents/elders, and literature reviews on the related topic. The researchers limit the object into Javanese siraman tradition that has several steps; sungkeman, ngracik sekar, siraman, wudhu saking kendi, pecah kendi, pangkas rikma, and gendongan, where each step of the siraman process has its own meanings. The aim of this study is to reinterpret the emergence of siraman as a series of rituals done in traditional Javanese weddings. The focus is on siraman especially in East Java. It also includes the philosophy of each step, the tools used and the people involved in the process of siraman. In other words, it also seeks information on the different functions of siraman from the past and present as one of trends in Javanese wedding process nowadays. At the end, this study can be used as one of information sources about Javanese siraman traditonal culture, and gives confirmation and prespectives about Javanese siraman trends as a Javanese traditional culture.


Keywords: Siraman, Javanese Traditional Culture, Philosopy, Trends

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