Artistic and Communicative System in Cinema


The main feature of modern screen culture is the transformation of all links in the chain from the author and the work of art to the viewer. Some technical innovations affect the process of filming, showing films and distributing copies. We consider three major shifts in the artistic and communicative system of cinema. Firstly, it is a transition from the author (film director) to cinematic thought. Today, the concept of imagination comes first. There are also almost limitless possibilities for visualizing imaginary worlds, such as George Lucas’ Star Wars. Secondly, it is the transition from film to cinematic reality. Moreover, this is the part of media reality that surrounds us everywhere in the modern world. Thirdly, this is a shift that affects the viewer, and this allows us to talk about the literacy of the film as universal literacy. Today, most of the data that we work with daily is visual data. The ability to work and live in a constant stream of visual, as well as to develop their own films determines the success of communication between modern people in society.

Keywords: author; cinemagoer; cinematic reality; cinematic thought; film literacy

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