Ecological Aspects of Visual Urban Environment Design


The city is an aggregate of anthropogenic, natural-anthropogenic and natural objects that are interrelated and interdependent. Environmental problems in cities are associated with consumerism and an irresponsible attitude to nature in society. We need to find additional approaches to solving environmental problem using, in particular, the means of art and design. The article analyzes the potentialities of a material urban environment for the formation of ecological culture in society. Ecological culture is a system of social relations, moral standards, views and values relating to the relationship between man and nature. The author highlights the qualities and functions of design objects that make them ecofriendly. The ecological approach to design has become the successor and development of systemic and environmental approaches. It is characterized by an awareness of the moral and ethical responsibility of the designer and the search for professional tools to solve environmental problems. The role of art-design and its educational potential is emphasized, and the ways in which art objects produce a psychological impact on the viewer are identified.

Keywords: ecological culture, communicative practices, design, art-design, ecodesign, sustainable development, urban environment

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