On the Way to Non-Hierarchical Communication: Methods of Reading and Writing in Teaching Philosophy to University Students


The article is devoted to the problem of organizing non-hierarchical communication in the university classroom. The authors suggest that some teaching methods can bring the gap in communication between teacher and student. The authors describe and analyze their experience with the use of reading and writing methods adopted in the liberal arts education system for teaching the philosophy to non-humanities majors at a Russian university. This case is significant because it reflects the five-year experience of using reading and writing methods in isolation from the entire humanitarian system. This isolation affects the choice of methods and their transformation. The article outlines the main difficulties that instructors face and the limitations of these methods. Difficulties in assessing the effectiveness of the considered methods are revealed. An analysis of student feedback on the seminars shows that these methods help bridge the gap in communication between teacher and student and create a supportive environment conducive to more effective work on philosophical texts.

Keywords: liberal arts education, reading and writing, philosophy education, communication gap

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