Ecological Properties of Speech in the Communicative Field of Russian As a Foreign Language: New Extension


The author presents an endevour to comprehend the culture of Russian as a foreign language on the ecological angle - as an integral part of the surrounding polylingual speech environment. An ecological approach to the culture of the verbal multimodal sphere of communication implies commitment to national linguistic traditions, fostering an effective love for the past, present and future of the Russian language.The article actualizes the topic of linguistic ecology, in which a culture of thinking and communicative speech behavior in a polylingual environment arises, fostering a linguistic taste, protecting, enriching and improving the literary language and speech aesthetics. Studying modern active processes leading to democratization and liberalization of the Russian language, the author highlights the influence of the Internet and media language styles as key trendsetters of modern rhetorical trends, foreign borrowings and the expanding detabooing of abusive language patterns. Concluding that bridging communication gaps is the responsibility of linguistic ecologists, the author gives a brief thesaurus of linguo-ecological terms that show the creative nature of communication. The article also accentuates that the ecology of language and the ecology of culture are becoming the advanced and central national challenges of our time.

Keywords: ecological aspect, polylingual speech environment, linguistic ecology, communication gaps, linguistic taste, speech aesthetics, state mission of our time

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