Problems of mastering the grammar of Russian as a foreign language when teaching Francophones (from the point of view of a military institute)


The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the grammatical systems of the Russian and French languages to identify significant differences that must be taken into account when studying Russian as a foreign language (RFL), and to offer a series of exercises aimed at preventing important errors in students’ speech from a communicative point of view. Comparing the systems, we compiled a list of grammatical features of the French language that affect the productive mastery of the Russian language, and offered examples of exercises aimed at preventing mistakes. A study of the effectiveness of the use of exercises was held at the Omsk Tank-Automotive Engineering Institute from 2016 to 2019 (in total, 50 students took part in the experiment). The learning outcomes allow us to talk about the prospects of considering the characteristics of the native language of cadets in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Keywords: Francophones, French speakers, Russian as a foreign language, methods of RFL, technology of national language orientation, lingua franca

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