The Effect of Audit Tenure, Company Age, and Company Size on Audit Report Lag with Manufacturing Industrial Specialization Auditors As ModerationVariables (Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange)


Thepurposeofthisstudyistoexamineandanalyzetheeffectoftenureaudit,company age, and firm size on audit lag reports with auditors specializing in manufacturing industry as moderating variables. The research data is secondary data obtained by downloading financial statements of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia 12 companies were taken in this study that met the sample criteria. The analytical tool used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the audit tenure, and the age of the company had a significant effect on audit lag reports, auditors specializing in manufacturing industry did not attach future competencies to work audits and companies related to audit report lag (ARL). While firm size is not significant for audit report lag (ARL) and auditors the specialization of manufacturing industry weakens the influence of company size on audit report lag (ARL).

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