The Influence of Organization Culture and Career Development Towards The Turnover Intention on The Foodhallof DKI Jakarta Province


The purpose of this research was to the Influence Of Organization Culture And Career Development toward The Turnover Intention On The Foodhall Of DKI Jakarta Province partially or simultan eously on employee turnover intention. The population in this study amounted to 1,982 employees in twenty-five outlets of The Foodhall in DKI Jakarta Province, with a total sample of 355 respondents.The research method used inthisresearchwasdescriptiveandexplanatorysurveymethod.Thesamplingmethod was probability sampling with proportionate random sampling technique, and the data analysis method used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with the Lisrel 8.80 data analysis tool. Based on the results of the study, the findings are as follows: Organizational culture, career development either partially or simultaneously have significant effect on employee turnover intention with contribution of 81%. Partially organizational commitment is the most dominant in influencing employee turnover intention. The results also show that organizational culture, career development on employee turnover intention. The managerial implications of this study are the turnover intention of employees of The Foodhall’s in Jakarta reflected by quitting dimensions will be reducedifTheFoodhallinJakartaisabletowillincreaseifTheFoodhallsinJakartacan improve career development of employees, reflected by career indecision, supported by improving the organizational culture reflected by the dimensions of outcome orientation.

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