Analysis of the Implementation of the Islamic Contract Principle on Hajj Fund Management By Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH)


The Indonesian Hajj funds collected at the end of 2017 According to the data from the MinistryofReligionamountedtoRp96.85trillion,plustheUmmahEndowmentFundof 3:05trillion,thetotalamountwasindeedRp99.9trillion.BasedonthemandateofLaw No. 34 of 2014 concerning the Financial Management of Hajj, the management has been transferred from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH). This study is a contract for the management of the hajj funds in the Islamic perspective. The methodology approach used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that there was a contract that was most effective in receiving the funding activity by BPKH was the Ijarah Maushufah Fid Dzimmah contract. With this agreement can answer the polemic around the contract between the pilgrims with BPKH. It is also known that the law of investing funds is possible / legal, as long as it is based on the that have been recommended by the DSN fatwas and channeled to the business sector of the business that can generate profits and lawfully in sharia way, free from maysir (speculative), usury (interest / usury), and gharar (uncertainty).

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