Exploring the Potential of Financial Technology (E-Money) in Akad Wadiah at Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah


IndigitaleraE-money becomes a growing trend because it provides many advantages and facilities, but then the question is who will be benefitted from the use of e-money. TheaimofthisresearchistoknowhowbigthepotentialofE-moneyinMuhammadiyah by using SWOT analysis. This research uses descriptive approach to explore the opportunity of the Muhammadiyah community who use E money as the tool of payment transaction by using akad wadiah. The Muhammadiyah community association is considered as population because it is the largest and the the oldest organization in Indonesia. This research proves that Muhammadiyah has a very big potential in the use of e-money. Based on SWOT analysis, the opportunities to use E-money in Muhammadiyah community is explained as follows:

Strength: Muhammadiyah has very large community in Indonesia that reach remote areas. Muhammadiyah has a huge resources, which is very potential because it can use good cash management to utilize the funds based on high-end information technology with clear vision and mission.

Weakness: A very big organization is usually slow in decision-making if any decision made by central organizing committee cannot force all the members to obey it.

Opportunities: Muhammadiyah as a modern Islamic movement is well-known in Indonesia. The opportunities to make agreement with other instances is very widelyopen. The public trust and expectation towards Muhammadiyah community is very high.Muhammdiyah has commitment, consistency and independency in its movement.

Threat: difficulties in communication with remote area network.

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