The Effect of Store Atmosphere and Packaging Design toward Impulsive Buying with Shopping Lifestyle As a Moderating Variable at Carrefour in Jakarta


Thisresearchwasconductedtoexaminethe factorsthatinfluenceimpulsivebuying in Carrefour Jakarta consumers, which consists of shopping lifestyle, store atmosphere and packaging design. This study uses survey methods by distributing questionnaires. The population of this study consisted of Carrefour Jakarta consumers, while the number of samples was 96 people. Sample selection is done using random sampling techniques.ThedataanalysistechniqueusedinthisstudyusesSEMwiththeWarpPLS analysis tool. The results of the study prove that store atmosphere does not have a significant effect on impulsive buying. Packaging design has a positive and significant effect on impulsive buying. Store atmosphere has a significant effect on impulsive buying with shopping lifestyle as a moderating variable. But shopping lifestyle cannot moderate the packaging design relationship to impulsive buying. The contribution of this research is to see the role of shopping lifestyle in moderating store atmosphere and packaging design towards impulsive buying.

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