Factors Affecting Profit Distribution Management in Sharia Banks in Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Effectiveness of Third Party Funds and Risk of Financing on Distribution Management Profit in Islamic Banks in Indonesia in 2013-2017. The strategy used is associative causal. This type of research is quantitative. The data of this study are secondary. The population of this study is Islamic banks in Indonesia that have been officially registered in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) from 2013 to 2017. The research sample is determined by purposive sampling method, so that the number of samples, there are 10 Islamic banks. The data collection technique used is the documentation obtained through the from each bank sample. The research method used is multiple regression analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, classic assumption test and hypothesis test. The data processing tool used is Eviews 9.0 software with panel data regression method. The results of this study are (1) Capital Adequacy Ratio has an effect on Profit Distribution Management, (2) Effectiveness of Third Party Funds does not affect the Distribution ManagementProfit,(3)FinancingRiskhasaneffectonProfitDistributionManagement.

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