The Differences of Student Learning Motivation


The purpose of this study was to find out the differences of students learning motivation in the state and private universities. The study used one variable that was students learning motivation developed into ten indicators (learning frequency, doing assignments frequency, lecture frequency, group learning frequency, the library frequency, books owned number, university atmosphere, university location, university facility, and lecturer ability). The population was taken by 96 public respondents from state and private universities. The required data was primary data with questionnaire data collection method. The analysis technique used kai squared. The results of the study indicated that(1) there were any differences of student learning motivation(doing assignments frequency, group learning frequency, the library frequency, books owned number, university atmosphere, university location, and university facility) between the state and private universities (2) there were no any differences of student learning motivation (learning frequency, lecture frequency, and lecture ability) between the state and private universities.

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