The Influence of Halal Labelization, Brand Image and Product Quality Towards Consumer Purchase Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Product


The purpose of this study was to find out halal labeling, brand image and quality product whether it had a simultaneous and partial effect on consumer purchasing decisions on cosmetic products The type of research used is causal research using direct interviews with questionnaire tools to respondents. The location of this research is at Mojopahit Street 666 B Sidoarjo Campus 1 Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo While the sample used as many as 100 respondent. Sampling technique used is nonprobability sampling with accidental sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaire distribution and multiple linear regression data analysis with SPSS statistic 22. From the results of research indicate that halal labeling (X1), brand image (X2) and product quality (X3) will have a good impact on the purchase decision (Y) of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University Students of 7,065%.

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