The Role of Technology in Gifted and Talented Education: A Review of Descriptive and Empirical Research


Nowadays, we cannot exclude the use of technology from the technology-driven generation as the deployment of Information Technology become a necessity factor toward a successful process; especially in education due to its vital role in enhancing the students’ knowledge and skills development. One type of students that technology plays a major role in their development is gifted and talented students who have unique learning needs that are often overlooked in the traditional education setting. This research aims to explore the progress of technology use in gifted and talented education through reviewing and highlighting the best practices and research in this area based on both descriptive and empirical research. The review will include different areas of gifted programming such as learning and development, assessment, curriculum and learning environments. For this purpose, the online database is employed to extract the research done in the field between years 2010 to 2018. The contribution of this research resides in its exposure to the best practices of integrating technology in gifted and talented education through which teachers and practitioners can be encouraged to adopt them into their contexts. It also provides the researchers with intensive review of technology adoption for gifted and talented education with some suggestions for future research where they can focus their research on.

Keywords: technology, gifted, talented, education, online

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