The Effects of Using Automated Rubber Tyred Gantry (ARTG) Towards Crane Operator in Semarang Container Terminal


As the high technology is applied in port industry, several changes may occur resulting to a reduction of the number of labors. The focus of this research includes: 1) What qualifications are needed as an operator of Automated Rubber Tyred Gantry (ARTG)?; 2) What factors do affect the labor absorption for ARTG operators?; 3) What efforts do the management of Semarang Container Terminal need to perform in order to overcome the problems related to ARTG? Based on the analysis, several findings were found: 1) a qualification for the crane operator was urgently needed especially for the position of the crane operator of Automated Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane (ARTG) in Semarang Container Terminal. 2) the factor which probably affected the labor absorption for crane operators was technology procifiency and English proficiency; and 3) what the management need to do was the employment expansion opportunities by transferring the crane operators to other ports whose cranes are not equipped with the new system. Moreover, the influence of ARTG reduced the absorption of RTG operators. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the management of Semarang Container Terminal needs to be careful in establishing any policies to overcome the problems. Thus there would not be any violation regarding any laws and regulations.

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