Ship accident prevention under organizational influences on the ship operation by using gap analysis


By using Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), the identification of human factor could be analyzed and classified to find out some prevention actions against ship accident. The human factors may play an important role in ship accident as the consequences of the ship operation is the risk that can potentially happen. One of the layers of HFACS is the organization influences which consist of factors such as human resources, organization climate, and policies. The objective of this research was to identify and to explore the perception and the expectation of the ship officer related to organizational influences by applying gap analysis method. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions divided into three categories. The result showed that the policies factor has higher gap compared with the others factors. The result indicated that the shipping company need to pay more attention to the condition of organizational policies before recruiting new crews, as well as the policies related to the monitoring while they are on board and after they return home. Further research on similar method on others layers of HFACS need to be carried out in order to obtain more detailed descriptions on ship accident prevention strategies.

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