Students and Teachers’ Perception of Using CBT Seagull Training Lab for Learning Maritime English in PIP Semarang


This study attempts to explore how students and teacher perceive the usefulness of Computer Based Training (CBT) Seagull Training Lab software for teaching, and learning Maritime English in PIP Semarang. This software is used by Marine Navigation, Marine Engineering and Port and Shipping Department’s students. The study adopted the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Davis (1989) focusing on the perceived acceptance of the software. This study employed the survey research design with simple random sampling as the sampling technique. The questionnaires and interviews were used as the method of data collection. The population participated are 374 students and 3 teachers. The data were analyzed and interpreted descriptively. The analysis was done under 4 headings: perceived of ease, perceived usefulness, attitude towards using, and behavior intention to use. The results show that students and teachers perceived the software both positively and negatively. It also reveals that a positive impact of the usage has a positive impact on teaching. Moreover, the negative perception is also uncovered.

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