The Effect of Urban Geometry on Low-Carbon Development in Desa Sruni, Wonosobo


Urban geometry is one of the important issues in creating a low-carbon sustainable dwelling area. Open spaces located in the settlement area is one of many elements that help to balance the energy exchange process that occurs in the land surface. The balance between energy absorption and emittance can prevent the occurrence of Urban Heat Island (UHI) which increases air temperature. Desa Sruni is one of the high-density villages located in Wonosobo, Central Java. The village is dominated by settlements that almost reach 60% of the area while the rest is impervious surface used for circulation and vacant lands. This study aims to find the effect of urban geometry changes on urban climatic conditions in Desa Sruni. The research is carried out by using a quantitative method with the help of Envi-met to find the value of some variables such as Sky View Factor (SVF), Air Temperature (Ta), Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt) and Wind Speed (Ws). The outcome of this study can be used as a further reference to create a design recommendation on low-carbon development in Desa Sruni.



Keywords: envi-met, climate change, low-carbon development, urban geometry

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