Livability Assessment of Low-Income Flats in Dandangan, Kediri City


Rapid urbanization and land scarcity in Indonesia’s urban areas have caused the demand for housing need of the low-income population to be more arduous to obtain. Regarding slum issues and the urgency of livable and low-cost housing, the government makes an effort to develop affordable rental flats for low income which is termed as Rusunawa. The use of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE), focuses on the evaluation of the buildings. It is considered the rental flats as a physical building and not as a ‘home’ where the living area of the occupants should be a convenient place to live, which includes their social psychology aspect. Dandangan. This research aims to assess the livability of Dandangan Flats a rental flat in Kediri City that provides a comfortable home for low-income inhabitants and industrial workers as well as handling the slums. Determination of livable flat criteria uses expert judgment and assessment livability of Dandangan flats with service quality method. The result revealed that livability of rental flats has 44 criteria, which are divided into six aspects, i.e., physical dwelling, security and safety, accessibility to public facilities, amenities, social interactions and economical. The results of livability assessment in Dandangan Flat according to the gap score belong to medium category. Ex-slum dwellers (block A&B) have a better perception of Dandangan flats in the livability assessment. The most important aspects of livability are safety and security.



Keywords: livability, assessment, rental flats, low-income population, quality of live

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