Family-Friendly Kampong (FFK) Modelling: Developing Urban Resilience in Disaster-Prone Area


Family-friendly integrated and holistic development is the principal solution for many socio-cultural, economic, and ecological problems of marginal families lived in a disaster-prone area. This descriptive-qualitative study at Panaragan Village Bogor city, a hydrometeorology hazard area, has elaborated characteristics and vulnerability of family and community, areal typology, family and environment transaction, also social environment vulnerability and quality. Data were collected from interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), and observation then analyzed with a gap, potential, and SWOT analysis. Results showed that Panaragan had shown features as FFK, characterized by high territorial-bound, well-maintained social capital and leadership (formal and informal) strengthened with organizational facilities, well perception about the family condition, also superior awareness of potential threat and vulnerability in family and community. With diverse topography, FFK model based in hamlet (RW) level. FFK development was done with positive-labeling, intrinsic spirit of community cohesiveness, a satisfaction of acceptance and recognition, social piety, volunteerism, and generosity. Derivative strategy of FFK model aimed to find competitive and comparative excellence of community productive activities, provide chances for elderly to be senior citizen, escalate community leaders and youth capacity, upgrade public figures and religious leaders’ leadership, maintain inter-family communication and interaction, preserve community leaders’ motivation, and disseminate social environment maintenance burden.



Keywords: ecology family, family-friendly kampong, family transaction, urban resilience

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