Speech Acts and Discourse Pattern in Information Sharing Practice in Malaysian Web-Forums


Web-forum discussions are widely used in business, health and education and in general discussion virtually. This practice of sharing information via Internet is also known as Computer Mediated Discourse (CMD). By focusing on language used in web-forums, this study explores the practice of collaborative information sharing in Malaysian web-forums discourse by using Speech Acts Theory. The study found that forum-members used different speech acts to share information in an interactive manner. However, speech acts such as to explain, to suggest and to question were used more extensively than other types of speech acts. The study also found that speech acts to denote politeness such as to apologise, to greet were used in the web-forum interaction to sustain collaboration and camaraderie in online information sharing practices. The discourse pattern reveals that web-forum members interacted at two phrases; Phase 1 to seek general information about the topic of discussion, and Phase II to have a deeper discussion where new information is added to the topic of discussion that leads to new knowledge being created. The findings of the study can benefit our understandings on how best to conduct online interaction, be it in the business, health or academic sectors.



Keywords: Web-forum, Computer-Mediated Communication, Language Forms and Functions, Information Sharing

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