The Influence of Communication on Employee Performance at Prima Husada Cipta General Hospital PT Pelindo I (Persero) Medan


The study was conducted at the Prima Cipta Husada General Hospital Medan PT Pelindo I (Persero), using secondary and primary data types. This study aims to determine how big the influence between communication on employee performance at Prima Husada Cipta Medan General Hospital PT Pelindo I (Persero). Data collection techniques, by conducting field research and distributing questionnaires. In this study using the saturated sample as many as 15 respondents and data collection using descriptive methods with quantitative data is through a questionnaire tested by using several methods of data analysis. Data collection used a questionnaire that tested the validity and reliability, using a = 0.05 (5%) which is known if rcounted > rtable, then the status of the questionnaire is valid, and the f test obtained is calculated F value of 23.639 with a probability value (sig) = 000. the value Fcounted (23.639) > Ftable (3.81), and the value of sig, 000 is less than the probability value, 05 or value of, 000, 05 then H0 is accepted. The result of this research is provided by Simple Linear Regression Test which shows that there is influence between Communication to Employee Performance. Determination test was also carried out which obtained adjusted R square value of, 618 which means that the independent variable is only able to explain the variance of the dependent variable at 61.8%. While the rest (100 -61.8% = 38.2%) are influenced or explained by other variables not included in this study.



Keywords: Communication, Employee Performance, PT Pelindo I

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