The Philosophical Revitalization of Malay Motif Ornament in the Design of Woven Gedebong (Catri N Art, Rimbang Sekampung Village)


This research aimed to revitalize the phylosophy of Malay motif ornament in the design of woven gedebong by optimalization potency of Catri N Art creative industry, Rimbang Sekampung Village. This research used a qualitative descriptive method with ethnographic approach. The data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. The research was conducted with doing the development of Catri N Art creative industry in the realization of the production and marketing systems to createthe woven gedebong based on Malay motif ornaments. There were four motifs used in the design of woven gedebong, they wereflora, fauna, natural and wajik motifs. Firstly, fllora motifs ornaments are from flowers, florets, leaves, fruits, roots. Secondly, fauna motifs ornaments are from poultry animals such as bird, duck, chicken, reptile animals such as snake, dragon, wild animals such as lion, tiger, insects such as bee, butterfly, grasshopper, aquatic animals such as fish, eel. Thirdly, outer space such as moon, star, sun, cloud, and lastly, Wajik such as the alquran ayats. The philosophical local wisdom values of Malay ornaments are the values of taqwa (faith) to Allah, harmony, wisdom, heroic, affection, fertility, self-knowing, responsibility. The result showed that the optimization of Catri N Art potency to produce woven gedebong based on Malay motif ornaments can be useful to revitalize the Malay philosophical of local wisdom values and also to increase creative industry.



Keywords: Revitalisasion, Phylosophy, Malay ornament, Woven Gedebong

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