EFL Lecturers’ Perception on the Use of Lesson Study in Improving Pedagogical Content Knowledge


Lesson Study (LS) assists teachers and lecturers to improve their professionalism within the idea of collaborative work through collegiality. Not all lecturers have enough competencies dealing with pedagogical content knowledge. Nevertheless, some of them seem to be reluctant to get involved in the program. This study aims to explore lecturers’ perception on the use of LS process in improving pedagogical content knowledge. It employs a qualitative method by applying descriptive study as its framework. Three EFL lecturers who teach at one of the state universities in Bandung who previously experienced LS process were being respondents in the study. The data were obtained from open-ended and close-ended questionnaire focusing on two themes, the steps and processes of the LS cycle and its effectiveness in improving pedagogical skill in teaching EFL. The result of the study revealed that the lecturers had a positive perception on using LS in improving pedagogical content knowledge in teaching EFL. However, time management of conducting the discussion still became the main problem in the program. The findings above suggest that the lecturers should have more desire and enthusiasm in conducting LS in order to promote their teaching and to help them get the characteristics of effective professional developments in their work.



Keywords: EFL lecturers, lesson study, pedagogical content knowledge

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