Semantic Meaning of Prefixes in Karo Language


The aim of this research is to discuss about the Semantic Analysis of Prefixes in Karo Language which will provide more information about prefixes and also to show the changes of meaning of words which are already influenced by them. The method of doing reseach is by taking some references or text-books in the library, and this types of research is called qualitative research. It is found that the prefixes in Karo language are fourteen types, such as: n_, er_, per_, ter_, i_, me_, pe_, si_, ci_, ki_, ke_, pen_, kini_, se_. By adding the prefixes to the bases, the meanings of the words may change or may not change. For example: galang “big” becomes pegalang “to make bigger size”, deher “near” becomes ndeher “near”., etc. The conclusion is that the formation of word can be done by attaching a prefix to certain base (a noun, an adjective, a verb and an adverb or a numeral). On the other hand, the addition of a prefix to the base may only result in another form of a certain class of word or the change of a word meaning.



Keywords: semantic meaing, prefixes, karo language.

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