Contents Analysis of the Pancasila Education and Citizenship Students’ Book for High School Curriculum 2013


Based on the results of preliminary observations of the Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) textbooks for high schools both in class X, XI and XII Curriculum 2013 it was found that there were some writing errors in the material. This study aims to determine the consistency of high school civics textbook material in accordance with the prevailing curriculum, namely the curriculum 2013. The analyzed books are civics textbooks for class X, XI and XII by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic Indonesia published in 2017 and 2018. This civics textbook is considered not good enough and not yet suitable for use. In this textbook there has been discussion of the material with training in competencies both cognitive, affective and psychomotor. But in this book, in addition to some indicators that show relevance to the applicable curriculum there are also several indicators that do not show relevance to the applicable curriculum. It is said relevant because of the indicators analyzed, this book has presented well with the discovery of the diversity of values and cutting-edge material. Based on the consistency of this book said to be inconsistent, there are still some overlapping material because it experiences repetition at the next class level. This textbook is not yet suitable to be used in the teaching and learning process by students to achieve the learning objectives, therefore it still needs revision for the next school year.



Keywords: Curriculum 2013, Students’ Books, Pancasila and Citizenship Education

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