The Librarian Capability to Implement Information Literacy in Senior High School of Bantul District


This research is aimed to describe the school librarian capability to (1) find or collect information, (2) use or utilize information, (3) evaluate information, (4) communicate information, among the senior high schools of Bantul district. The librarian capability to implement information literacy is highly needed since the advancement of information technology and the abundant of information in various social media and other facilities that can support the school activities. It demands the librarian to have literacy capability. This study can be categorized as descriptive-qualitative research. The research population was the school librarian. The data was collected by using questionnaire. The data validity was tested through content validity test. The data analysis technique was descriptive data analysis with the percentage. The research result showed that: (1) most respondents (77.70%) had good capability to find/collect information to complete the library collection, (2) 89.96% of the respondents were categorized to have “very good” capability to use/utilize library information. (3) 79.73% of them belonged to “good” capability to evaluate information and (4) 81.62% of respondents were proved to have “good” capability to communicate the obtained information.



Keywords: information literacy, school library

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