Inclusive Education in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Equity Pedagogy Perspective


Inclusive Education in Indonesia, especially in special regions of Yogyakarta, has been running on its regulations, but Equity Pedagogy is to see how inclusive education in school units needs to be deepened, because the implementation of inclusive education in inclusive schools in Yogyakarta is still a problem, especially at the learning level. This study uses the Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR) in the method. The findings obtained from the analysis of cementation in the form of perceptions, competencies, and actualization in the school environment, society and government are issues of equity pedagogy in inclusive education in special regions of Yogyakarta. This study shows that inclusive education in inclusive schools in special regions of Yogyakarta has not been able to contribute to the career development of children with special needs (careers are a form of manifestation of personal acceptance in their environment). Showing that Equity Pedagogy on inclusive education in inclusive schools in special regions of Yogyakarta is still in the process of forming a system.


Keywords: Inclusive Education, Pedagogy Equity, Career Development

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