Efforts to Improve the Active Role of Students in Mathematics Learning through Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Learning Model at Elementary School


The success of learning can be seen from the learning process that takes place in the classroom. Problems in the field show that the students’ active role in the learning process is still low. This study aims to determine the increase in the active role of students in learning mathematics. The student’s active role in mathematics learning needs to be enhanced by appropriate learning models. It aims to explore students’ self-ability, improve the quality of learning, play an active role in learning and responsible in completing the task. This research is a classroom action research with the setting of grade 4 students of elementary school. The learning model used is the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model. The study was conducted in 3 cycles. Cycle I consists of 2 meetings, cycle II consists of 2 meetings and cycle III consists of 2 meetings. Data were obtained by using observation sheets of student activities, interviews with teachers and students, documentation and field notes. Data analysisusedisqualitativedescriptiveanalysis.Theresultsshowedthatlearningusing Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) learning model can improve the active role of students in learning mathematics. Enthusiastic students in following learning in the cycle I 78.12%, cycle II 91.79%, cycle III 98.82%. Student interaction with teacher in cycle I 31,64%, cycle II 62,5%, cycle III 87,49%. Interaction between students in cycle I 10,15%,cycleII47,26%,cycleIII75,39%.GroupcooperationincycleI0,cycleII58,98%, cycle III 86,72%. Student activity in the group in cycle I 19,53%, cycle II 68,75%, cycle III 92,96%. Student participation concludes the result of discussion in cycle I 22,65%, cycleII46,09%,cycleIII69,92%.Theaverageincreaseintheactiveroleofstudents,in cycle I 27.02 %%, cycle II 62.56%, and cycle III 85.22%. Through interviews of teachers and students obtained diagnostic test results increased from the cycle I 29.17%, cycle II 66.67%, and cycle III 87.5%.



Keywords: Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), active role, learning mathematics

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