Sociocultural Based Descriptive Writing Skill Learning Module for Elementary School Students


Writing skill of the elementary school students becomes the scholar concern due to its important role in promoting students’ literacy in the early ages. In fact, there is a problem in the process of teaching and learning in the elementary school classrooms, especially the lact of appropriate learning modules accommodating sociocultural aroundthestudents.Thisstudyaimstoproducesocioculturalbaseddescriptivewriting skill learning module for elementary school students and to know the effectiveness of the learning module to descriptive writing skill of the fourth grade elementary school students. It used R&D model from Borg & Gall. The subjects were students and teachers of grade IV in SD Negeri Ngablak and SD Negeri Banyakan, Bantul. The data were collected through interview and observation, product validation, teacher and student response questionnaires, and descriptive writing skills test. Data analysis techniqueusedanindependentsamplet-testandpairedsamplet-testwithsignificance level 0.05. The results show that sociocultural-based descriptive writing skill learning module is valid and effective to improve descriptive writing skills of the fourth grade students. It can be seen from: 1) the material expert judgment with the value of ”B”, categorized as ”good” and the media expert, with ”A”, categorized as ”very good”, 2) the response of the students and teachers are “A”, categorized as “excellent”, and 3) the effectiveness test result using independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test on descriptive writing skill of students with p value<0.05. It means that the learning moduls is valid and effective in improving descriptive writing skills of grade IV elementary school students.



Keywords: socioculture; descriptive writing skills learning module

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