Student Worksheet Based on Wayang for Elementary School


Wayang is one of the main culture in Indonesia. According to UNESCO, wayang is masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity. Unfortunately, wayang is lack of preservation. This study is intended to develop student worksheet based on wayang for elementary school. Developing student worksheet based on wayang in elementary school is a new potential way for preservation. The aim of this research is to know
feasibility of student worksheet based on wayang. This research design modified from development model of Borg and Gall, which was done in the ten steps of research. The result of this research: Score of material expert is 4.16 (Good), score of media expert is 4.28 (Very good), score of preliminary testing field is 4.45 (Very Good), score of main field testing is 4.46 (Very good), and operational field testing score is 4.32 (Very
Good). After all step have been finished, development of student worksheet based on wayang is valid for instruction.



Keywords: Student Worksheet; Character of Wayang

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