The Bidikmisi Scholarship: What Work and What Doesn’t Work?


This study aims to describe the implementation of an educational scholarship program for senior high school graduated student who come from economically poor families (Bidikmisi). This scholarship spending a large amount of State budget, therefore, needs to be examined accountability of the used. Research using quantitative approach with survey method. The research found that the Bidikmisi scholarship support
increased access to learning in the higher education, ensuring students retention and completion. In addition, it is also found a high learning motivation among students scholarship awardee of Bidikmisi; but nearly half of them have a low learning motivation. Subsequent management of scholarships has been running well, but not optimal. That is why, the management scholarships still need to be addressed, including financial literacy coaching to student scholarship awardee of Bidikmisi.



Keywords: Bidikmisi scholarship, higher education access, learning motivation, student retention and completion.

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