Factors Affecting Sexual Lifestyle Of Students In School Of Public Health Of Cenderawasih University, Jayapura


Teenagers are human resource assets and the foundation of successful generation in the future.Every year, there are increasing number of adolescents who have sex before marriage impacted to the increasing of STD, young maternal mortality, abortion on unintended pregnancy, school dropouts, cancer, infertility and sterility.This study aimed to analyze several variables that affect sexual lifestyle in adolescents.A Quantitative research with cross sectional approach was used.The selected population groups were teenagers mid to late teens who arestudy in Faculty of Public Health Uncen Jayapura, 254 respondents were selected by simple random sampling.Data were collected using questionnaires, bivariate analysis using chi-square test while multivariate analysis using logistic regression.Research showed that 49.2% did risky sexual lifestyle.The bivariate test showed a significant relationship between the sex (p value 0.000), age (p value 0.000), father's education (p value 0.001), maternal education (p value 0.004), mother's occupation (0.000), knowledge of reproductive health ( 0.000), adolescent attitude toward sexuality (p value 0.002), attitude toward friend’s sexuality (p value 0.000), leisure activities (p value 0.000), and the act of a friend’s sexual activity (p value 0.000).Variables that influence adolescent sexual lifestyle is gender (OR = 0.3), age (OR = 0.2), knowledge about sexuality and contraception reproductive health (OR = 5.4), leisure activities (OR = 0, 3) and the actions of peers (OR = 7.4).The dominant factors that influence adolescent sexual lifestyle is the act of a friend who has a friend in which teenagers who did risky sexual activity 7.4 times higher odds of having risky sexual lifestyle than those who have friends that did not perform sexual activities.

Keywords: risky sexual lifestyle, teen

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