Factors Affecting Nurses’workplace Stress Inyowari Hospital Of Sentani District Jayapura


Work stress is distress experienced by individuals in the face of work caused by the stressors of work environment factors such as physical environment, organizational systems and individuals. The research objective was to determine what factors are causing stress in nurses who work in Hospital. This research used explanatory research with cross sectional approach. These samples included 55 nurses in hospitalization ward. The instrument of this study is a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis using chi square test, and multivariate analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The results of univariate analysis showed that the nurses stress of 61.8% found in the characteristics of the age of 21-40 years (87.3%), female (85.5%) education level Diploma Nurses (74.5%), has a work period ≤ 5 years (60.0%), the status of civil servants (54.5%), were married (76.4%), and working in the internal ward (30.9%), with a personality type extrovert (70.9%). The level of stress is often the case that self esteem (87.3%), despair and a sense of worthlessness (80%), success (72.7%) and interest (72.7%). The bivariate analysis showed that, Stressors that significant with stress were: support, organization, interaction with the p-value (0.012 <0.05). The coping mechanisms were social support as an emotional reason the value of p-value(0.040 <0.05).The closeness to the religious p-value(0.002 <0.05) significantly between closeness to religion with work stress. The most factors that have an effect on the coping mechanisms Equtional Modeling Structural testing with loading value of 0.598 and 7.798 correlated, which means that the coping mechanisms 7 times have influence to reduce stress in the workplace.

Keywords: workplace stress, nurse, patient wards

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