Knowledge And Practice Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Mothers Of Dani Tribein Sub-District Angkasa, Jayapura


Exclusive breastfeeding for babies are proven to be signicant in lowering the mordibity and mortality rates than formula-fed infants. Mothers of Dani tribe work in the field and leave their babies so it is difficult to give exclusive breastfeeding and resulted the babies to get early complementary breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the knowledge of Dani tribe mothers about exclusive breasfeeding in Sub-district Angkasa, Jayapura. This study used descriptive qualitative study with phenomenalogical approach. A snowball sampling technique was applied to determine the participants. There were three persons participated in this study. Data were collected by in-dept interview and were analyzed using Colaizzi’s method. The result identified five themes: Mothers’ knowledge about infant nutrition needs, breastfeeding technique by giving the breastfeeding directly before working, barriers and supports in giving  breastfeeding, efforts to overcome the barriers,  and mothers’ hope to give breastfeeding continually. Optimizing the maternity and community nurses role is needed to improve mothers’ knowledge about the benefit of exclusive breastfeeding and how to perform it through providing health education. Moreover, it is also important to empowerthe support system such as community leaders and stakeholders to contribute to the program. 

Keywords: Mother, knowledge, practice, exclusive breastfeeding, Dani tribe

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