Factors That Affect The Perception Of Small And Medium-Sized Businesses (Smes)’ Community On The Importance Of Financial Statements, The Amount Of Credit Received And Implementation Prospects


The research aims to determine the perception of those practicing SMEs and examine the effect of the quality of financial statements of SMEs on the amount of credit received using several indicators, such as education background, education level, size of the business, age, quality of financial statements, credit guarantee, credit amount received and term loans. Data is collected througha questionnaire distribution from 40 respondents who run their business  in the city of Jayapura. The results show that the education background and the level of education do not influence the perception of SMEs’ actors, but the size and age of business do. While the size, age, credit guarantees and credit terms affect the amount of credit received, the quality of financial reports does not. This is likely due to the fact that the financial statement of SMEs have not been sources of reliable and relevant information for the banks in their decision to provide credit for SMEs’ business.

Keywords: SME’s actors, amount of credit, quality of financial statements

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