Validity after Limited Scale Trial in Designing Indonesian Language Learning Multimedia for Class V Elementary School Students


This article aims to explain the revision and validation of instructional media designed in order to generate an interactive multimedia-based Indonesian language learning media that contain character education for grade V elementary school students in order to implementation of Curriculum 2013. This research is a development research with a 4-D model consisting of four steps that is define, design, development, and dissemination. This article is written based on the development stage. The data collection is done by recording the process and the result of the revision and the validation questionnaire. For process data and revision result used content analysis technique while for expert validation used simple statistic. Based on the research found the following things. First, the product is revised based on respondents’ input on the validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests and analysis of the Curriculum 2013. Improvements are made to the theme so that it complies with the Curriculum 2013 revised 2017. In addition, the media display is also improved so it is simpler but functional. Secondly, based on the validation of the revision product, it is known that this interactive multimedia-based learning media are validly seen from two aspects, namely the language aspect and the display aspect. On the aspect of the display obtained a score of 4.50 while the language aspect obtained a score of 4.33, so the average of both aspects is 4.42 (categorized valid). From both of these considerations, it was concluded that well designed mediums were used in learning activities that they were feasible to be tested on a large scale.



Keywords: Format, Microsoft Word Template, Style, Insert, Template learning media, interactive multimedia, character value, development research.

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