Randomized Group Vs Heterogeneous Group in Developing EFL Argumentative Essay


A theory states that writing is a complicated task and highly complex skill. This theory supports a research finding saying that writing is considered difficult by most of students. Pair work is considered to be able to help EFL students to minimize their problem in EFL writing. This study was intended to compare which group performed the higher score in developing an argumentative essay. There were 23 students (randomized group) and 23 students (heterogeneous group) as the subjects of this study. Before the two groups experienced the treatment, the groups were given a pre-test to see the homogeneity of the groups. The instrument used in this study was a writing test adapted from IELTS test. The result showed that the subjects in subjects in randomized group (M = 68.87, SD = 13.815) performed better significantly than those in heterogeneous group (M = 57.13, SD = 11.190). Based on the result, randomized group technique is recommended to be employed in EFL writing class.



Keywords: Randomized Group, Heterogeneous Groups, EFL Argumentative Essay

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