The Contribution of Internal Locus of Control and Self-Concept to Career Maturity in Vocational Higher Education


High school students have the choices of continuing to college or working after completing their education. However, the fact that high school student who has completed education has not been able to determine the direction of career planning. This phenomenon implies that students do not have career maturity, especially in entrepreneurship. Career maturity is influenced by several factors, including locus of control and self-concept. This study aims to describe internal locus of control, self-concept, and career maturity, test the contribution of internal locus of control and self-concept to the maturity of entrepreneurship career. This study used multiple regression analysis. The sample of research is 218 people consisting of high school students who will enter university in Indonesia. Data collection is done by using Locus of Control inventory and Self Concept. The research findings show that: (1) the average picture of internal locus of control trust is in high category, (2) self concept is in positive category, (3) career maturity is in high category, (4) locus of control (5) there is self-concept contribution to career maturity of 7.2% (R = 0.268, significance 0.000), and (6) there is contribution together locus of internal control and self-concept to career maturity of 11% (R = 0.332, significance 0.000).



Keywords: Locus of Control, Self Concept, Career Maturity

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