Development of Problem-based Mathematic Learning Model to Increase Students’ Competence


This study aims at producing a problem-based valid, practical, and effective mathematic learning model to improve students’ competence. The students’ competence investigated included the ability to think logically, critically, and creatively. The stages of developing a problem-based mathematic learning model consist of 1) preliminary stage, 2) proto-type stage including planning, evaluation, and revision, 3) product assessment stage. The quality of problem-based mathematic learning model refers to quality criteria according to Nieveen that includes valid, practical, and effective criteria. The problembased mathematic learning model was tested to the students of PGSD Department of FKIP, Bung Hatta University involving 30 students and 3 mathematic lecturers. The instrument used in this study consisted of 1) instrument of validity appraisal, component of learning model and toolkit, 2) instrument of practicality appraisal from students and lecturers, 3) effectiveness instrument covering test result and students’ appreciation appraisal toward problem-based mathematic learning model. The result showed that problem-based mathematic learning model including syntax/learning steps, along with learning tools in term of semester learning plan and students’ worksheet was considered valid, practical, and effective.



Keywords: problem-based mathematic learning, students competence

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