The Value of Religious Education in Kerinci Kunun Text


This study aims to express the value of religious education in the Kerinci kunun text. This type of research is qualitative research and using content analysis method with structural approach. Sources of data in this study in the form of speeches of characters or narrators in the text Kerinci kunun and data in this study in the form of words, phrases, and sentences that contain the value of religious education. Technique of collecting data through several selective stages. The technique of data analysis is done by qualitative content analysis using words. The research findings can be concluded in the text there are educational values kunun. Educational values found varied in the value of religious education with a subindicator of the value of religious education in the form of belief, worship, appreciation, and practice. The sub-indicators of each of these educational values lead to character education.



Keywords: The value of religious education and kunun

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