Analysis of Learning Material on 4-Stroke Engine Tune-Up Practice of Motorcycle Engineering


The gap appears between the demands of industrial work skills and the school circumstances in terms of student learning materials in vocational high school of motorcycles engineering department. This study at revealing the learning materials scope of 4-stroke engine tune up among the students of motorcycle engineering department in vocational high school. This study can be categorized as descriptive quantitative. The research respondents consisted of 30 people, they were mechanic, head of mechanic, and Service Advisor (SA) from authorized workshop of Honda or AHASS and the vocational high school teachers of motorcycles engineering. The research instruments used the questionnaires that had been examined for its validity and reliability. Based on the research result, industry party need the learning material of 4-stroke motorcycle tune-up. It requires 100 topics/ sub topics of materials but there are only 35 topics/ sub topics covered in SMK syllabus. It means 65 topic/ sub topic as the gap. Moreover, the subject of 4-stroke motorcycle tune-up in motorcycle engineering department of vocational high school need to be adjusted to meet the standard requirements of the world of work for motorcycle engineering field as much as 65 topics/ sub topics



Keywords: Learning materials, 4-stroke engine, tune- up, Vocational education

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