Application of Balsa Composite in Curved Structures and Its Business Establishment: A Feasibility Study


Balsa wood (Ochroma pyramidalei) are widely available in Indonesian market especially in the creative industry. Balsa wood was preferred due to its excellent strength to weight ratio in-line with workability and the simplicity of its color and texture. Balsa composite has increased the economic value of balsa wood and widen its use from merely lightweights and non-structural objects to some efficient super-structures. The development of balsa composite into curved structure add another level of design sophistication and widen the variation of its use. Application of this material in a shell structure allowed the structure to have more strength to weight excellence, since the shell structure itself had already had excellent depth to span ratio. The added value of the application in Indonesia is expected to add significant contribution in national agroforestry and construction sector. However, introducing the material into construction industry required further examination, especially related to the stability of supplies (forestry management), manufacture readiness, and human resources. This paper showed a theoretical and statistical feasibility study of manufacture-scale business establishment in Indonesia.



Keywords: balsa, engineered wood, manufacture, composite, feasibility study.

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