Connectivity Pattern Of Socio-Ecology System Of Youtefa Bay Community In Utilizing Seagrass Ecosystem


This study was conducted on August 2012 in Youtefa Bay, Jayapura – Papua, and aimed to investigate connectivity of fisheries resource utilization pattern by local community toward species composition and distribution of seagrass. Data in this study comprised primary and secondary data. Collecting primary data was used structured questionnaires to local people. Respondents were choosen by simple random sampling. Data of species composition and species distribution were done by randomly structured method using quadratic transect on three observation station. Seagrass ecosystem on Tobati and Enggros I station composed by pioneer species (Halophila ovalis and Halophila minor) and climax species (Enhalus acoroides dan Thalassia hemprichii), while that of in Enggros II station consisted only by climax species. Utilization type by local community comprised fishing, collecting shellfish, cucumbers collecting, and crab collecting. Tobati and Enggros I had a higher percentage in utilizing fisheries resource (about 50 – 100%) than Enggros II (approximately 20%). A higher percentage of utilization by local people related closely to potential of seagrass ecosystem that gave environment services as habitat for association of biota.

Keywords: Tobati, Enggros, Utilization of community, seagrass potency

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