Corruption and Abuse of Power: A Reflection of Social Issues in Short Stories


The widespread of corrupt practices is a common phenomenon at present time. The possible causes encouraging the growth of corruption among public officials differ from place to place. It is probably right to believe that one reason might be the abuse of power. The chance of using one’s power for personal gain had driven people to financial misconduct giving significant impact on society. Social issues as mentioned, become a particular interest for some writers. The critical awareness and the ability of a writer to express thoughts are two strong forces that may produce eloquent pieces of work. This is vividly seen in the works of three Minangkabau writers. Their exposure of social issues, such as corruption and abuse of power, shows great concern on the matter. As a reflection of life, their works can be used as a precise means of conveying criticism towards social issues occurring globally. By exploring three chosen short stories, it is expected as a way to deeply understand and propagate social issues as well as to raise social consciousness, hence a small attempt to deter the phenomenon has been done.



Keywords: social issues, corruption, abuse of power, social consciousness

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