A Study of Clothing Industry Competitiveness with Porter’s Five Force Approach in Kabupaten Agam Central Industry (A Preliminary Study of Ampek Angkek, Banuhampu, Sungai Puar)


This study seeks to evaluate the competitiveness of the apparel industry in Agam, in Indonesia. The competitiveness of typical SMEs assessed using various metrics, using Porter's Five Forces approach to evaluate the extent of new competition, government support, supplier strength, buyers and the availability of substitute products. The work is Descriptive Explanatory research. The research was conducted in view surveys and interviews. Despite a well-established apparel industry, some problems still leave the Kabupaten Agam garment industry vulnerable, particularly to the growing appetite for fast fashion in retail clothing shops. Since 2000, Kabupaten Agam's garment industry has been facing increasing domestic and external difficulties, such as lack of labor supply, the financial crisis, the global economic downturn, imported garment and the rising labor costs, raw material prices.



Keywords: Competitiveness, Porter’s Five Force, Clothing Industry

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