Strategy and Targeting to Sales Kurnia Watch


This study aims to find out the empirical facts about the effect of the target analysis on the sale of Kurnia watches. This research is based on the current conditions where everyone is so important with time, every day people work tirelessly by always seeing the time they want to achieve. Especially the Clock as one of the items, tools or media that can be used to see time as well as accessories are very important in everyday life. All humans on this earth in their activities are racing at a time, especially in the millennial era, people are not just see the time, but the fashion they use. With unique clocks, watches, walls and so on. Based on research, watches are an icon that is in great demand by everyone. Not limited to age, anyone can use the clock. The number of competitors seems to be a challenge, the brand that must be optimized because currently around 65% of all clock products are produced by China. That way the clock brands that have already been in production such as Japan, Switzerland, Germany must further improve the quality of the product in the marketing strategy, so that the target that has been planned can be achieved.



Keywords: Strategy, Targeting and Sales.

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